From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center
Mike Maharrey
September 28, 2018 at 08:38PM
Is the Democrat Party ensuring its own demise? According to the Dems we are hearing from, the answer could be yes. The handling of the Kavanaugh hearing may have bigger consequences than you think. Then we look at the unconstitutional nature of the new budget and the War Powers Act. Alternatively you can listen to […]
The post Kavanaugh Conclusions – The Unconstitutional Budget – War Powers appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.
Today are the Ford/Kavanaugh hearings and I believe the only lasting consequence will be the further destruction of the rule of law in America and the confidence of the people in government. The true victim here, I fear, will be the Constitution and the true Liberty of the people. All of this error and manipulation […]
The post Dems Destroying the Rule of Law & the Snowflake Mafia appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.
Today: A teacher is fired for the most ridiculous “snowflake” reason As predicted… a NEW budget crisis looms New Evidence of Hillary & Comey criminality, or old evidence that the federal government is corrupt Facebook admits to teaming up with US Government to be involved in election…but in foreign elections, not American…yeah right. Don’t forget […]
The post Daily Journal: New Evidence of Hillary/Comey Criminality- More Orwellian Govt appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.
Today: A teacher is fired for the most ridiculous “snowflake” reason As predicted… a NEW budget crisis looms New Evidence of Hillary & Comey criminality, or old evidence that the federal government is corrupt Facebook admits to teaming up with US Government to be involved in election…but in foreign elections, not American…yeah right.
The post New Evidence of Hillary/Comey Criminality- More Orwellian Govt appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.
There is a serious political deception falling across America, designed by professors, pundits, & politicians to diminish the power of the people and increase the power of government. The liberals love government, so they want it. The politicians love power so they want it. The professors & pundits love money so they want it. It […]
The post Daily Journal: The Deception of Federal Power & How Ignorance Attacked Ted Cruz appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.
What a fun and powerful show today! KrisAnne talks about dealing with social media trolls and the propaganda behind firing Rosenstein. Plus today is an important day in history, find out how this History is being taught through lies! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your “door” everyday! […]
The post Daily Journal Dealing with Trolls – Firing Rosenstein appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.
Today we are going to go deep into the issue of declassifying FISA and address the true jurisdiction of the FBI as it relates to Kavanaugh’s accuser. Plus the Attorney General in Missouri does his duty according to State Sovereignty! All from a Constitutional perspective! Please Support Our Sponsors!
The post Trump Declassifying FISA & Dissecting FBI Jurisdiction appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.
Project Veritas does not expose the “insider opposition” to Trump. It exposes the “I can’t get fired” government gravy train. It also exposes the negligence and arguably criminal nature of Jeff Sessions at the head of the DOJ. Beware! Here comes October and in this election time there will be much Kabuki Theater created in […]
The post Daily Journal: Project Veritas: Impeach Sessions & The “New” Budget Crisis appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.
Happy Constitution Week! Today we answer these two questions, not from a political or personality perspective, but from truth, logic, and Constitution. If we are to have a government that protects liberty, we must be a liberty minded people. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your “door” everyday! […]
The post Daily Journal: AP says Texans Now Supporting Gun Laws? Can Trump Fire Sessions? appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.
Welcome to Constitution Week! Today we review the hypocrisy that should actually direct us to truth. We examine the proper exercise of presidential power and how that will actually help Trump be a better more effective president. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your “door” everyday! Subscribe Here: […]
The post Daily Journal: Emmy Leftist Hypocrisy & Trump’s Proper Presidential Power appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.
Celebrate Constitution Day with us as we do what we always do: We put Constitution over party politics and personal agenda. We will discuss the Kavanaugh accusations and what kind of impact that ought to have. We also bring to you a compelling local story that just isn’t getting the discussion it deserves. Don’t forget […]
The post Daily Journal: Kavanaugh Complains & Constitutional Truths appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.
Donald Trump promised to “drain the swamp,” but as Peter Schiff put it, “The swamp is now bigger and more expensive than ever!”
Republicans tout themselves as the party of fiscal responsibility, but the Trump administration has managed to outspend every one of his Democratic Party predecessors – and all of the previous Republicans too.
The US government spent a record $433.3 billion last month, running up a monthly deficit of $214 billion, according to data released by the US Treasury Department.
That’s $433 BILLION spent in a single month.
Federal government spending came in 30 percent higher than August 2017 and ranked as the highest outlay on record.
The deficit (spending over revenue) for the fiscal year (beginning in October) hit $898 billion. That compares to a $674 billion deficit in the same period of fiscal 2017, a 39.5 percent year-on-year increase.
The Congressional Budget Office now projects the deficit will eclipse $1 trillion next year – a year earlier than originally anticipated.
The federal debt (the aggregate of all past deficits) recently shot passed $21.3 trillion.
The government spent $32 billion just paying interest on its current debt last month. It plunked down $108 billion for Social Security, $65 billion bombing foreign countries…I mean for defense, $83 billion on Medicare, and $146 billion on all other government agencies and programs.
Not only is Uncle Sam spending more, he’s taking in less money thanks to the tax cuts. The Treasury collected $219.1 billion in revenue last month. That’s about $7 billion less than August 2017.
This isn’t to knock tax cuts. But without any accompanying cuts in spending, they just exacerbate the debt problem. Somebody still has to pay for government, tax cuts or no. That means you will either pay for it in higher taxes later (or your children will) or you will pay for it through inflation.
America needs government relief, not just tax relief.
Republican pundits will tell you not to worry. The tax cuts will spur economic growth. That will take care of the debt problem. The U.S. will grow itself out of trouble. But this traditional GOP talking point falls flat because debt hinders economic growth.
Several studies have estimated that economic growth slows by about 30 percent when the debt to GDP ratio rises above 90 percent. Most analysts say the U.S. economy has already hit the 105 percent range. In other words, you ain’t getting all this promised growth, Mr. Republican.
Now, many economists do believe the GOP tax cuts gave a temporary boost to the economy. But the boost will likely prove short-lived unless Uncle Sam gets his spending problem under control. And I don’t see any sign that the Republicans are even remotely committed to doing what it takes to make that happen.
Some people will read this and think, ‘Ho-hum who cares.’ After all, people have been talking about runaway spending, budget deficits and the federal debt for years. Nothing horrible has happened. But remember, we’ve also been in an artificially low interest rate environment for years. The federal government continues to pile up debt and interest rates are climbing. The interest payment on the debt hit an all-time high of $538 billion in Q2 2018. This is unsustainable.
Politicians in Washington D.C. have created a vicious cycle of skyrocketing debt and borrowing that is only likely to accelerate, and seem completely unwilling to do anything about it. And Trump and the current batch of Republicans in Congress are no different than any of the rest of them.
On this episode of Good Morning Liberty, host Michael Boldin (follow) discusses former Pres. Barack Obama’s big return to the public sphere, where he attacked “cynicism” and called for more “transparency and accountability.”
But, as Jim Bovard notes in his latest USA Today column, how can anyone take him seriously, when his administration did as much or more than any previous to ramp up the total state?
Plus it’s Friday, so ignorant comment of the week!
ALTERNATE SOURCES (links updated after processing):
Watch on Real.Video
Bovard: Obama is Back
Ignorant Comment of the Week from Jay in NY
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Two current events, very important from a Constitutional perspective: Freedom of Speech, Gun Control, President Trump’s power. What is the corporate media telling you? I guarantee NOT THIS! This is why you listen to this show, this is why you need to tell others to listen to this show, because ONLY HERE can you get […]
The post Trump Wins Law Suit – Cali Court Overturns Gun Control Law appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.
On this episode of Good Morning Liberty, host Michael Boldin (follow) discusses a recent resurgence of jury nullification happening now in Georgia. Plus, he covers a few states – like Georgia – that expressly include this in their own constitutions.
ALTERNATE SOURCES (links updated after processing):
Watch on Real.Video
FEE report on Jury Nullification in Georgia
Sections in State Constitutions..
TAC video, last line of defense
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I’m an “Obama loving dumbcrat.” At least that’s what some people think. Why? Because I criticize Pres. Donald Trump. Of course, assuming I support Obama because of this is absurd. In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about it.
You can subscribe to Thoughts from Maharrey Head for free on iTunes. Just click HERE.
Free E-Book: The Power of No!: The Historical and Constitutional Basis for State Nullification
Report: Trump Administration Ramps up Enforcement of Federal Gun Laws
No! Enforcing Unconstitutional Acts Will Not Save the System
SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap Podcast
TAC memberships help us produce more educational tools like this. Members can download this video and read the full transcript here.
GOP state legislatures took a major turn on the 2nd Amendment once Republicans gained control of Washington D.C.
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WASHINGTON (Sept. 11, 2018) – On June 7, members of Congress announced bi-partisan legislation aimed at reforming federal cannabis laws via an appeal to the Tenth Amendment. This is another example of proposed changes in D.C. driven by state nullification efforts.
The Strengthening the Tenth Amendment by Entrusting States (STATES) Act of 2018 was introduced by Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) in an attempt to eliminate the threat of federal prosecutions in states such as Colorado and Washington. A companion bill was introduced in the House by Representatives David Joyce (R-Ohio) and Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.). Many see the bill as a response to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ rescindment of the Justice Department’s Obama-era Cole Memo in January. The Cole Memo was interpreted as a step to discourage federal intervention in state-level cannabis legalization.
While the motivation behind the bill likely has more to do with political opportunism than Madisonian federalism, the STATES Act is the first bicameral, bipartisan legislation aiming to help prevent the federal government from interfering with state-enacted cannabis legislation.
This is another example of the federal government following the lead of states on marijuana. It’s almost certain that no such federal bill would have ever been introduced if states hadn’t paved the way by simply ignoring federal law, legalizing marijuana and nullifying federal prohibition in effect.
An evolution in thinking certainly created an environment ripe for changing federal marijuana policy in Washington D.C, but there’s more to it than that. The winds of change started blowing more than two decades ago when Californians took concrete action and legalized medical marijuana despite federal prohibition. In ensuing years, the movement grew at the state and local level to the point that the Sen. Warrens and the Sen. Gardners of the world simply can’t ignore it anymore. The federal government cannot stand up against this tidal wave. As a result, we’re beginning to see changes in federal law itself.
The STATES Act would carve out an exemption to the Controlled Substances Act for U.S. states that have reformed their cannabis laws. Most notably, the legislation would allow cannabis businesses to finally obtain basic banking services and remove industrial hemp from the list of controlled substances.
On the other hand, the bill would maintain federal provisions deterring interstate trafficking of cannabis from legal states into prohibition states. It also prevents those under 18 from working in the cannabis industry and the prevention of those under 21 from purchasing cannabis (not including medical marijuana). The bill also includes provisions to regulate unsafe production conditions.
The STATES Act is cosponsored in the Senate by Senators Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), and Cory Booker (D-N.J.). It is cosponsored in the House by Representatives Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.), Jared Polis (D-Colo.), Ken Buck (R-Colo.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Dianna DeGette (D-Colo.), Rob Blum (R-Iowa), Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), Matt Geatz (R-Fla.), Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), Tom McClintock (R-Calif.), Luis Correa (D-Calif.), Jason Lewis (R-Minn.), and Ro Khanna (D-Calif.).
At least 12 governors are publicly supporting the STATES Act including Gov. Bill Walker (I-AK), Gov. Jerry Brown (D-CA), Gov. John Hickenlooper (D-CO), Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD), Gov. Charlie Baker (R-MA), Gov. Brian Sandoval (R-NV), Gov. Phil Murphy (D-NJ), Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND), Gov. Kate Brown (D-OR), Gov. Tom Wolf (D-PA), and Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA).
Thirty states, Washington, D.C. and the U.S. territories of Guam and Puerto Rico have enacted some form of medical marijuana program. Estimates are 63 million Americans currently live in jurisdictions where anyone over the age of 21 may legally possess cannabis. Voters overwhelmingly support these policy changes. According to a 2018 Quinnipiac University poll, 63 percent of Americans support full marijuana legalization and 70 percent believe that states, not the federal government, should set marijuana policy.
President Trump has indicated his tepid support for the STATES Act. When asked if he supports the legislation he responded, “I really do. I support Sen. Gardner. I know exactly what he’s doing. We’re looking at it, but we’ll probably end up supporting that, yes.”
The STATES Act is a mixed bag when it comes to actually strengthening the Tenth Amendment, but it can certainly be seen as a step in the right direction. If cannabis reform can be the “gateway drug” for citizens, legislators, and courts to rediscover the Tenth Amendment it could be a tipping point for federalism. Only time will tell if the STATES Act is successful and whether support for the Tenth Amendment in Washington D.C. can expand beyond the issue of cannabis.
Is nullification just a talking point? Or is it a real solution to modern problems? An event in Dallas this November will take on this question.
The secession of 15 states from the Soviet Union in 1991 was the greatest peaceful revolution in modern history. Secession and decentralist movements are firmly entrenched throughout Europe. Discourse about secession and state interposition to federal tyranny has become mainstream in America on both the political left and right. Are we witnessing a paradigm shift away from runaway centralization?
The Abbeville Institute is putting on a live event to discuss these issues. Tenth Amendment Center founder and executive director Michael Boldin will talk about the state of the nullification movement. Other scheduled speakers include Mises Institute President Jeff Deist, Emory University history professor Dr. Donald Livingston, former Oklahoma state representative and gubernatorial candidate Dan Fisher, and more.
The event is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 10. For more information and to register, click HERE.
On this episode of Good Morning Liberty, host Michael Boldin (follow) discusses the growing partisan divide – not on principles, but on support for, or opposition to, Team Red vs Team Blue. These hacks might be at their worst when it comes to the imperial presidency, war powers and the 2nd Amendment.
ALTERNATE SOURCES (links updated after processing):
Watch on Real.Video
The Intercept – Imperial Presidency
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