Birth Right Citizenship and the Constitution

KrisAnne and JC discuss birthright citizenship and how President Trump should deal with it. We use Nothing but Constitution & Proper historical authority.  The way it should be taught. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE! so you get the Daily Journal delivered right to your “door” everyday!  Subscribe Here:

The post Birth Right Citizenship and the Constitution appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.

Read the full article at October 31, 2018 at 02:14PM

PreTeens Hack Voting Sites & The Most Important 4th A Lesson You Will Hear

Not the Russians, but American Pre-Teens hacking into voting machines and State websites to change votes. Do you want privacy and security in your property? Then you have to listen to this show. Share it with anyone you love to keep them secure. Plus a preview on tomorrow’s show: Can Trump issue an EO to […]

The post PreTeens Hack Voting Sites & The Most Important 4th A Lesson You Will Hear appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.

Read the full article at October 30, 2018 at 11:31AM

Yes, You CAN Hire Paid Protesters, Harassers, Hecklers & DHS Hacking Your Car

What is freedom of speech when companies provide paid protesters & the feds are listening and hacking every moment of your life? Where have we gone in a society where nothing is real and nothing is private? You cannot defend what you cannot see,  what you do not know, what you cannot prove.  Time to […]

The post Yes, You CAN Hire Paid Protesters, Harassers, Hecklers & DHS Hacking Your Car appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.

Read the full article at October 29, 2018 at 11:42AM

Chris Wallace Thinks Thomas Jefferson Is a Threat to America & Other Attacks on Liberty

The lunacy of the media, the irrational and unlawful behavior of the judiciary, believe it or not they are all tied together. Not ignorance, but willful denial of easily obtainable facts and the rule of law that you and I are bound to, but they seem to feel impervious to. George Washington, Thomas Paine, & […]

The post Chris Wallace Thinks Thomas Jefferson Is a Threat to America & Other Attacks on Liberty appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.

Read the full article at October 27, 2018 at 10:21AM

Toy Bombs and Snowflake Triage

What a ridiculous world we live in: toy bombs, incompetent politicians, investigations, and costumes that are dangerous to our health. This is what we are teaching our children and this is what the world sees. Time to take back the culture of America from these insane snowflakes & their mind-numbing ideologies. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE […]

The post Toy Bombs and Snowflake Triage appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.

Read the full article at October 25, 2018 at 04:15PM

KrisAnne Hall on Infowars

KrisAnne recently appeared on Info Wars in in this 20 minute segment describes how she went from a radical socialist to a committed, liberty loving constitutionalist. This is KrisAnne’s 1st appearance on Info Wars.

The post KrisAnne Hall on Infowars appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.

Read the full article at October 25, 2018 at 11:13AM

Tenth Amendment Center: Nullification Works: CBD Edition

From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center
The fact that CBD is going mainstream while the DEA says it's illegal proves the power of nullification.
Mike Maharrey
October 24, 2018 at 07:19PM

Tenth Amendment Center: Reflections: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center

This blog is featured in the latest Tenther newsletter, which everyone in the nullification movement gets daily or weekly. Be one of them – and Become a member here to support the TAC.

It’s that time of year again. We’ve started working on the 2018 edition of our annual State of the Nullification Movement Report.

Tackling this 70-plus page report every year is a lot of work. But it’s also a good opportunity to take a step back, look at the big picture and reflect. It’s also a chance to pause and look ahead toward the year to come.

Looking at the big picture is good for my psyche.

During the legislative session, I tend to get very myopic. I focus on one bill and one task at a time. One day, I might be talking to a state representative about a bill addressing surveillance. The next day, I might find myself writing testimony for a hemp bill. The next day, the focus might shift to the Second Amendment. It’s almost impossible to keep up with everything going on at any given time. When I get to the end of the session, I’m pretty much in a daze. I know a lot of stuff happened, but I can’t really say what!

Being something of a pessimist by nature, I generally tend to underestimate the successes and overstate the failures. That’s why the State of the Nullification Movement report is so important. It highlights all of the success from the past year. And every year as I write the report, I’m amazed at just how many successes there were.

Consider this, last year, state legislatures passed more than 30 laws that push back against federal power in some way.


Years ago, we would’ve been happy with one or two.

This year’s report will highlight all of these bills, along with the various issues they address. It will also reveal some of the exciting things in the works for 2019.

When taking a stand for the constitution and liberty, it’s easy to feel beat down. It’s easy to feel like we’re not making any progress. The day-to-day work of activism can become a grind. But when I work on the State of the Nullification Movement report, I’m reminded that we are taking huge steps forward. Every year, more and more states push back against federal power on more and more issues. Ten years ago, we were ignored. Five years ago, we were laughed at. Today, we’re leading a revolution of thought!

While we’re working on this year’s update, you can read last year’s report HERE.

This is extremely important.

Please consider joining the TAC as a member.  As we ramp up for the 2019 “Nullification Season,” I can’t say this strongly enough: Nothing helps us get the job done more than our members. Here are your options to join today:

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Thank you for reading and your support!

Michael Boldin
October 24, 2018 at 01:25PM

Tenth Amendment Center: It’s Still Socialism Even if Your Team Does It: Good Morning Liberty 10-24-18

From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center

Democrats and Republicans have both pushed to advance and preserve big-government socialist programs, even though only one of those teams seems to admit it. On this episode of Good Morning Liberty, host Michael Boldin (follow) covers articles from Future of Freedom Foundation and the Mises Institute that take on the ignorance – and hypocrisy of it all.

ALTERNATE SOURCES (links updated after processing):
Watch on Bitchute

Watch on Brighteon

Watch on Gab

Trump’s Unwitting Devotion to Socialism

Few Dare Call it Socialism: Social Security and Medicare

We do

More than Half of America Gets More in Welfare than it Pays in Taxes

Patrick Henry on Making America Great


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Michael Boldin
October 24, 2018 at 12:32PM

Tenth Amendment Center: The Pilgrim Code of Law: One of Many Sources of Our American Constitution

From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center

One of the more ludicrous claims about the Constitution is that fifty-five old white rich men just sort of “made it up.” There are two versions of this claim: One that it was put together out of whole cloth to serve their interests, and the other that it was revealed in a flash of divine light.

This claim has been disseminated by people who should know better. For example, in 1972 a Montana state commission authored, and Montana State University published, a pamphlet to “educate” citizens and convention delegates about the supposed need for a new state constitution. To convince the reader to adopt the authors’ principles instead, the pamphlet asserted that “When the Founding Fathers of the United States . . . desired to write their ideas about government on paper, they found few guidelines.”

In fact, the Constitution was the product of centuries of “guidelines.” In addition to classical writings on the subject, including those by Aristotle and Cicero, there was a long chain of Anglo-American foundational documents beginning with medieval charters, including, but not limited to, Magna Carta. They also included various European practices, the English Petition of Right of (1628), two constitutions from the time of Oliver Cromwell, the English Bill (or Declaration) of Rights of 1689, colonial chartersinstructions to colonial governors, and a multitude of American documents from both the colonial and post-Independence era.

With the approach of Thanksgiving, it seems appropriate to mention the following: Among the colonial documents serving as a source of guidelines was the Pilgrim Code of Law of 1636, which political science Professor Donald S. Lutz describes as “a candidate for the honor of being the first true written constitution in the modern world” (using the word “constitution” in the sense Americans now use it). The document began by creating what we would call a “law revision commission.” It then went on to—

* specify that no laws would be adopted other than by the consent of the community,
* set an annual election day and provide for the annual election of a governor and seven “assistants,” who formed an executive council,
* grant the governor the executive power,
* provide for other annually-elected officers, including a provincial treasurer, clerk, and coroner,
* specify oaths for officers and freemen,
* require that laws be made and taxes levied only by the freemen of the province,
* provide for trial by jury, and
* empower panels consisting of the governor and any two assistants to try minor cases.

You can find the Pilgrim Code of Laws, and Professor Lutz’s comments on it, here.

Rob Natelson
October 23, 2018 at 02:11PM

Tenth Amendment Center: Tenther Tuesday Episode 43: Stalker State

From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center

Today is the 642nd day that the GOP has failed to repeal Obamacare, or gun control, or end mass, warrantless surveillance…

But the feds haven’t failed to stop spying on you. It’s not just the NSA. From stingrays/cell site simulators, to license plate readers, drones and facial recognition, governments at every level are ramping up their surveillance – of everyone. On this episode of Tenther Tuesday, Michael Boldin and Mike Maharrey discuss some of the many – many – ways that government tracks and stalks you.


ALTERNATE SOURCES (links updated after processing):

Watch on Bitchute

Watch on YouTube

Watch on Brighteon


Butchering the Fourth Amendment

Mass Surveillance Technologies

Street Level Surveillance: A Guide to Law Enforcement Spying Technologies

Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement Partnering to Create Massive Facial Recognition System

How Federal Surveillance and “Parallel Construction” Undermine the Rule of Law

Massachusetts State Police Tweet Inadvertently Reveals Surveillance


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Mike Maharrey
October 23, 2018 at 01:59PM

Tenth Amendment Center: An Important Difference Between Historians and Originalist Law Professors

From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center

Recently, I was having a discussion with a law professor who looks at matters from a historical perspective. While such law professors are not professional historians, many of them have adopted the historian’s perspective. During our discussion, one aspect of the dispute between historians and originalist law professors became crystal clear.

When historians are making claims about the original meaning, they look at the matter, naturally enough, from a historian’s perspective. There will be several possibilities.

  1. The matter was discussed and there was a dominant opinion on it.
  2. The matter was discussed and there was no dominant opinion. Instead, there was a relatively even split of opinion on the matter.
  3. The matter was not discussed at all or rarely discussed.

When confronted with these circumstances, the historian tends to view only case 1 as having an answer. The reason I think is straightforward: the historian is attempting to report the past and there is only evidence from the past of an answer as to 1.

Case 3 involves a situation where the past does not tell us anything (except that the matter was not considered). Case 2 involves a situation where the past tell us there was no clear answer. We certainly cannot report that the past has an unambiguous answer as to 2.

The originalist will view things differently. The reason is that the originalist is not looking for “what the past tells us about a matter.” The originalist is looking for the original meaning. The discussions at the time offer some evidence of the original meaning, but they do not determine the answer to the matter. Thus, the originalist might give different answers than the historian.

In case number 3, the originalist might conclude that one opinion was the original meaning and might even conclude that this is the clear original meaning. People might not have talked about it because the issue did not arise or because the answer was clear. Of course, it is also possible there was no clear original meaning, not because it was not discussed, but because the answer was simply a hard one.

In case number 2, the originalist again might conclude that one of the two contending opinions was the original meaning. Although the Framers’ generation may have been split, one of the opinions may appear stronger to us. In fact, the originalist might even conclude that one of the contending opinions was the clear original meaning. This is, of course, not the result we would expect, because the Framers’ generation was split on the issue. But sometimes this evidence can be outweighed by other considerations. For example, a political party might have adopted a position on an issue because it furthered their political interests, even though the Constitution did not really support their argument. In this situation, the original meaning might clearly support a result rejected by one of the political parties.

What about case number 1? In this case, I admit I would be reluctant to conclude that the original meaning (or the clear original meaning) went against the consensus at the time. But, of course, it might be possible in an extraordinary situation.

In the end, there is a difference between “what the past is telling us” as understood by the historian and “what the original meaning is” as understood by originalists. It is important to keep this distinction in mind when reviewing debates between historians and originalists. Originalists are happy to consider what historians say about matters, but we should remember that often historians have a different objective than originalists do.

This post was originally published at The Originalism Blog, and is re-posted here with permission.

Michael Rappaport
October 23, 2018 at 07:10AM

Tenth Amendment Center: Commercial Hemp Market Growing in Wisconsin Despite Federal Prohibition

From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center

MADISON, Wisc. (Oct. 22, 2018) – A commercial hemp market is developing in Wisconsin despite federal prohibtion.

In late 2017, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signed a bill into law legalizing hemp cultivation for research purposes only in compliance with federal law. Milwaukee NPR station WUWM recently declared, “Law Change Creates Market for Hemp in Wisconsin.” Washington Farm Bureau director of government relations, Rob Richard, told the radio station that Wisconsin farmers quickly got hemp farming off the ground after the law went into effect.

“We’ve had more interest and excitement in the first year of our program than any other state in the country. The fact that we had about 370 applications come in this spring with about 220 grower licenses that actually got approved and about 88 processor licenses got issued. There is a tremendous amount of excitement.”

Former Milwaukee Alderman Mike McGee Junior and his business partner Maya Mays opened a kiosk in the Mayfair Mall selling hemp-based products last summer. That kiosk quickly grew into a store. The duo currently operates three stores in the Milwaukee area selling CBD oil and other hemp products. According to WUWM, “customers can check out products ranging from candy and cookies to protein crisps to lotions and body butters. There are even dog treats — all made with CBD oil from the hemp plant.”

Mays said pure CBD oil ranks as their best-seller.

“So, the people that we serve, they have like fibromyalgia, MS, chronic arthritis, PTSD, epilepsy, ADHD and we have nothing but a 100 percent success rate.”

But despite the business growth enjoyed by McGee and Mays, and despite the relief their customers have enjoyed using the CBD products they sell, and despite the widespread belief in the legality of the “federally compliant” Wisconsin hemp program, the federal government considers their business illegal.

In fact, despite the legal posturing, the Wisconsin hemp program isn’t federally compliant. Passage of the Wisconsin hemp law, even with provisions intended to keep it within bounds of federal law, has led to the nullification in effect of federal prohibition.

Many people mistakenly believe CBD is legal. But the feds beg to differ. In fact, the DEA considers CBD a schedule 1 drug, and as such, illegal in every state. The only exception — a CBD drug called Epidiolex approved by the FDA June 27, 2018, to treat seizures in a rare form of epilepsy, and only with a prescription.

People in the cannabis industry who argue that CBD is legal over the counter generally rely on the “hemp amendment” tacked onto the 2014 farm bill. But the law only legalized hemp production for limited purposes. It “allows State Agriculture Departments, colleges and universities to grow hemp, defined as the non-drug oilseed and fiber varieties of Cannabis, for academic or agricultural research purposes, but it applies only to states where industrial hemp farming is already legal under state law.”

This serves as the basis for the Wisconsin hemp law passed last year.

In 2016, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Drug Enforcement Agency released a “statement of principles” to guide interpretation of the hemp section in the farm bill. It states, “The growth and cultivation of industrial hemp may only take place in accordance with an agricultural pilot program to study the growth, cultivation, or marketing of industrial hemp established by a State department of agriculture or State agency responsible for agriculture in a State where the production of industrial hemp is otherwise legal under State law.”

In short, the current federal law authorizes farming of hemp – by research institutions, or within state pilot programs – for research only. Farming for commercial purposes by individuals and businesses remains prohibited.

The definition of “commercial” remains murky and has created significant confusion.

The statement of principles also asserted that industrial hemp programs are limited to fiber and seed. It didn’t mention CBD oil or other edible hemp products. The DEA has interpreted that to mean CBD and hemp food products remain illegal. According to the DEA, CBD cannot be sold under any circumstances. An Indiana TV station interviewed DEA spokesman Rusty Payne, who reiterated the agency’s position.

“It’s not legal. It’s just not.”

Payne says cannabis plants are considered a Schedule I controlled substance, and medicinal oils derived from cannabis plants are illegal according to two federal laws: the Controlled Substance Act and the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. He said confusion surrounding the Agricultural Act of 2014 (better known as the “Farm Bill”) is frequently cited as legal justification by those who want to manufacture, sell or use CBD oil. The DEA believes the Farm Bill permits only CBD research — not CBD marketing and sales.

“Anybody who’s in violation [of the federal laws] always runs that risk of arrest and prosecution,” he said.

Another DEA spokesman told the Louisville Courier-Journal“All hemp products that can be consumed are illegal.”

Nevertheless, people in Wisconsin, and across the country are selling, buying and using CBD, and nullifying the federal law in practice and effect.

And the feds aren’t doing anything about it. Even DEA spokesman Payne admitted the agency isn’t enforcing federal law. The WTHR reporter asked him what he would do if he was in the position of a mother who found CBD helped her child deal with excruciating pain related to cancer treatment. He said he would do the same exact thing — without hesitation.

“I cannot blame these people for what they’re doing. They are not a priority for us … it would not be an appropriate use of federal resources to go after a mother because her child has epileptic seizures and has found something that can help and has helped. Are they breaking the law? Yes, they are. Are we going to break her door down? Absolutely not. And I don’t think she’ll be charged by any U.S. Attorney.”

Wisconsin serves as yet another example of successful state nullification of federal hemp law in effect and practice. The market for CBD and other hemp products has completely overwhelmed federal efforts to control it. At this point, even states trying to stay federally compliant have effectively engaged in nullification. The feds lack to personnel, resources and even the will to effectively enforce federal hemp law. That genie will never go back into the bottle.


Mike Maharrey
October 22, 2018 at 02:04PM

Tenth Amendment Center: Feds Have ‘Debt Out the Wazoo!’ How Will They Fund It?

From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center

We all know the U.S. government has a debt problem. This raises a couple of questions most people seem to be ignoring. Who’s going to finance all of this debt and what will it mean to the economy?

The national debt increased by $1.27 trillion in fiscal 2018. If you expected the pace of borrowing to slow in fiscal 2019, you’ll be disappointed. In just the first 11 business days of the new fiscal year, the US government added another $138 billion of debt to the total. That brings the total national debt to a staggering $21.654 trillion — or as Wolf Street put it “debt out the wazoo.”

In order to finance this spiraling debt, the U.S. Treasury has to sell bond – lots of bonds. Earlier this year, the agency said it planned to auction off around $1.4 trillion in Treasuries in 2018 alone, and it expects that pace of borrowing to continue over the next several years.

The U.S. government normally relies on three major players to buy its debt. But the federal government has a problem right now. Those players aren’t buying.

In fact, they’re selling.

According to the most recent Treasury Department data, China’s holdings of U.S. Treasuries fell for the third consecutive month in August. The Chinese shed another $6 billion in U.S. debt, dropping its total holdings to $1.165 trillion. Over the last year, China’s holdings of Treasury bonds fell by $37 billion year-on-year.

Meanwhile, the Japanese sold off $5.6 billion of Treasuries in August and shed $72 billion between August 2017 and August 2018. Japan now holds about $1.03 trillion in U.S. debt. That’s down $210 billion from its 2014 peak.

Over the last decade, the U.S. government could always count on the Federal Reserve to buy its paper if nobody else would. The central bank gobbled up billions of dollars in U.S. debt through its quantitative easing program in the wake of the 2008 crash. But now, the Fed is tightening. The Federal Reserve shed $152 billion through the end of August as part of its QE unwind. It now holds $2.294 trillion in U.S. debt.

So, the three biggest buyers of U.S. Treasuries aren’t buying. No wonder bond yields (i.e. interest rates) continue to go up. They have to go up in order to entice somebody — anybody — to buy all of this debt. In fact, earlier this month, the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield hit the highest level since 2011.

So, who’s buying?

Interestingly, the U.S. government borrows a lot of money from itself, as WolfStreet highlighted.

U.S government holdings (USG pension funds, Social Security, etc.) increased by $21 billion over the 12-month period, bringing the ‘debt held internally’ to $5.673 trillion, or 26.4 percent of the gross national debt.”

But at this point, we primarily find, U.S. institutions and individuals carrying the load. That means U.S. pension funds, hedge funds, banks, insurance companies, and corporations, along with everyday Americans. They added $1.517 trillion to their holdings of U.S. Treasuries over the 12-month period from August 2017 to August 2018.

This raises the $64,000 question: how long will they do it?  And how high will interest rates need to go to keep them in the market?

With the three biggest players not only spurning U.S. bonds, but actually dumping more Treasuries on the market, it seems unlikely that U.S. investors can pick up the slack forever. That means we should expect rapidly increasing interest rates. This stems from simple supply and demand. With more bonds in the marketplace and fewer buyers, the price of bonds will have to drop and the yields will have to increase to entice buyers into the market.

This creates a huge problem.

Rising interest rates in an economy built on debt aren’t good news. This is why we’ve seen so much instability in the stock market recently as bond yields have crept up. At some point, rising interest rates caused by intentional Federal Reserve tightening and natural market forces will prick the economic bubble. All the tax cuts in the world won’t fix the underlying structural problems in the economy. What we really need is government relief.

Mike Maharrey
October 22, 2018 at 02:01PM

Tenth Amendment Center: Big Brother is Getting Even Creepier and More Invasive: Good Morning Liberty 10-22-18

From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center

Unfortunately, thanks to the government’s ongoing efforts to build massive databases using emerging surveillance, DNA and biometrics technologies, Big Brother (and his corporate partners in crime) is getting even creepier and more invasive, intrusive and stalker-like. On this episode of Good Morning Liberty, host Michael Boldin (follow) discusses John Whitehead’s latest article.

ALTERNATE SOURCES (links updated after processing):
Watch on Bitchute

Creating a Suspect Society

Biometric Surveillance Means Someone Is Always Watching

U.S. agencies working on standard for seamless communication between biometric databases


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Michael Boldin
October 22, 2018 at 01:17PM

Tenth Amendment Center: Reflections: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center
It’s that time of year again. We’ve started working on the 2018 edition of our annual State of the Nullification Movement Report. Tackling this 70-plus page report every year is a lot of work. But it’s also a good opportunity to take a step back, look at the big picture and reflect. It’s also a…
Mike Maharrey
October 22, 2018 at 08:57AM

Mail Bombs, Erasing Sovereign Borders and the AntiChrist

An official in the mail bomb investigation says “the choice of a pipe bomb is unusual since there is no obvious way to detonate it.” Really? Dems threatened with bombs that can’t explode? And what does the “caravan” and Democrats have in common with the AntiChrist? Find out now. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE! […]

The post Mail Bombs, Erasing Sovereign Borders and the AntiChrist appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.

Read the full article at October 24, 2018 at 04:29PM

Constitution or a King? Its Just That Simple

Experts disagree with KrisAnne regarding Trump’s authority to send troops to the border to stop the Caravan. Let’s look at their arguments and determine once and for all… Does the president have this authority or not. It turns out, the confusion may be orchestrated, because the answer is very simple. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE FOR […]

The post Constitution or a King? Its Just That Simple appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.

Read the full article at October 23, 2018 at 03:44PM

Drag Queen Story Time In Libraries? Kaepernick Exposed!

What is the definition of “public funds.” What should libraries do when parents don’t like a message being conveyed? How have the leaders of the Kaepernick movement – Kaepernick included- exposed themselves now? All these questions answered from a principled, Constitutional, & Liberty perspective, only for the truly Liberty at heart! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE […]

The post Drag Queen Story Time In Libraries? Kaepernick Exposed! appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.

Read the full article at October 22, 2018 at 08:30AM

Extreme Partisan Politics Driving Destruction Of America

I believe this is a truly powerful show, who will be willing to set aside the lure of drama, for something that might just offer solutions? Federal Supremacists, Judicial Supremacists, Political Supremacists, Right, Left, Republican, Democrat, Me, You… all of these positions and none are actually about America or Liberty. Time for us to listen […]

The post Extreme Partisan Politics Driving Destruction Of America appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.

Read the full article at October 20, 2018 at 10:08AM