Tenth Amendment Center: Activism 101 Podcast #21: Keeping Your Focus

From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center

This is the 21st installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

If you listened to episode #20, you know the city of Lexington sued me over an open records request I made. As you can imagine, this has become a major focus of my life. Dealing with a lawsuit takes a lot of time and energy!

In this installment of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about the importance of keeping your focus on your activism plan and your ultimate goals when unexpected things (like a lawsuit) pop up in the midst of your work.


Our Plan

Episode #6: You Gotta Have a Plan

Mike Maharrey
October 21, 2017 at 02:12PM

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