Tenth Amendment Center: Tenther Tuesday Episode 24: Nullification Season Successes

From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center

This is the 376th day the GOP Congress has failed to repeal Obamacare. But the feds have expanded their power on numerous other fronts, including a new federal program that will tap into data that will track millions of people’s locations using their license plates. But as Michael Boldin and Mike Maharrey explain in this episode of Tenther Tuesday, state action can stop your information from ending up in these databases. They also discuss some early nullification season successes. A number of bills that have moved forward in several states over the last week. These include legislation to expand health freedom, to undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money, to nullify federal hemp prohibition and to get government out of marriage.



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ICE is now getting access to license plate tracking data

Rhode Island ALPR bill

Florida Health Freedom

Alabama Sound Money

Indiana Hemp

Alabama Marriage

Idaho to Allow Insurance Policies Not Compliant with Obamacare


Mike Maharrey
January 30, 2018 at 11:54AM

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