From Tenth Amendment Center
...from Tenth Amendment Center
On January 2, 1788, the State of Georgia ratified the Constitution for the United States. Georgia was the fourth state to do so. The ratification message was short and to the point, and there appears to have been little debate.
The following ratification text is taken from the Library of Congress’s copy of Elliot’s Debates.
To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting.
Whereas the form of a Constitution for the government of the United States of America, was, on the 17th day of September, 1787, agreed upon and reported to Congress by the deputies of the said United States convened in Philadelphia, which said Constitution is written in the words following, to wit: —
And whereas the United States in Congress assembled did, on the 28th day of September, 1787, resolve, unanimously, “That the said report, with the resolutions and letter accompanying the same, be transmitted to the several legislatures, in order to be submitted to a Convention of delegates chosen in each state by the people thereof, in conformity to the resolves of the Convention made and provided in that case;” —
And whereas the legislature of the state of Georgia did, on the 26th day of October, 1787, in pursuance of the above-recited resolution of Congress, resolve, That a Convention be elected on the day of the next general election, and in the same manner that representatives are elected; and that the said Convention consist of not more than three members from each county; and that the said Convention should meet at Augusta, on the 4th Tuesday in December then next, and, as soon thereafter as convenient, proceed to consider the said report and resolutions, and to adopt or reject any part or the whole thereof; —
Now know ye, that we, the delegates of the people of the state of Georgia, in Convention met, pursuant to the resolutions of the legislature aforesaid, having taken into our serious consideration the said Constitution, have assented to, ratified, and adopted, and by these presents do, in virtue of the powers and authority to us given by the people of the said state for that purpose, for and in behalf of ourselves and our constituents, fully and entirely assent to, ratify, and adopt, the said Constitution.
Done in Convention, at Augusta, in the said state, on the 2d day of January, in the year of our Lord 1788, and of the independence of the United States the 12th.
In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names.
JOHN WEREAT, President,
and delegate for the county of Richmond.
County of Chatham,
W. Stephens,
Joseph Habersham.
Jenhim Davis,
N. Brownson.
Edward Telfair,
H. Todd.
William Few,
James M’Niel.
Geo. Matthews,
Flor. Sullivan,
John King.
James Powell,
John Elliot,
James Maxwell.
George Handley,
Christopher Hillary,
J. Milton.
Henry Osborn,
James Seagrove,
Jacob Weed.
Jared Irwin,
John Rutherford,
Robert Christmas,
Thomas Daniel,
R. Middleton.
Michael Boldin
January 02, 2018 at 04:13PM
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